
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers brought unique and tested tips

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

My tested medical and spiritual tips

Respected Hakeem Sahib As Slam O Alikum! Today I am presenting my medical and spiritual tips for readers, readers will definitely benefit from these.

For ease in every work:

After punctuality of offering Namaz five times recite Darood Sharif 7 times, Sura Fatiha 7 times, Ayatul Kursi 7 times, 7 times last four verses of Sura Hashar, four Qull 7 times, darood sharif 7 times, recite in morning and evening and sprinkle in all four corners of home. Best timings are before sunrise and after sunsets.

For curing baldness:

Apply at least one year old oil of mango pickle on desired place, within few days you will see progress.

For having a child: recite seven times following verse on 40 cloves, after taking bath of menses daily eat one clove, clove should be eaten at night and do not drink water after it.

اَوْکَظُلُمٰتٍ فِیْ بَحْرٍ لُّجِّیٍّ یَّغْشٰىہُ مَوْجٌ مِّنْ فَوْقِہٖ مَوْجٌ مِّنْ فَوْقِہٖ سَحَابٌ ظُلُمٰتٌۢ بَعْضُہَا فَوْقَ بَعْضٍ اِذَا اَخْرَجَ یَدَہٗ لَمْ یَکَدْ یَرٰىہَا وَ مَنْ لَّمْ یَجْعَلِ اللہُ لَہٗ نُوْرًا فَمَا لَہٗ مِنْ نُّوْرٍ (النور 40)

For closed valves of heart:

ھو الشافی: apple vinegar one cup, ordinary vinegar one cup, ginger juice one cup, garlic juice one cup, mix them in a bowl and put them on fire, after boiling twice remove it from fire, add honey to get rid of sourness, drink two sips.

If child is not leaving feeder:

If child is not leaving feeder, mesh margosa (نیم) tree leaves and apply them on nipple of feeder. INSHA ALLAH child will start drink milk in cup.

Tip for patients of Blood pressure:

ھو الشافی: wash pumpkin extract its water add sugar/candied (مصری) in it and drink 7 days before eating or drinking anything else.

For upset stomach:

 ھو الشافی: black pepper, white cumin, equal weight of salt, fine grind them, cut fresh watermelon and pour this spice on it and eat it.

To make dry cream useful:

If any of your cream got dry, add appropriate amount of rose water in it to make it useful.

Benefits of onion:

 During spread of cholera peal and hang onion in home for the protection from motions and vomiting. Eating onions which are dipped in vinegar will increase digestion; it also helps in getting rid of old constipation and gas, mix seed of small cadmium in juice of onion, licking it again and again cures motions and vomiting.

To get rid of fatness:

In morning before eating and drinking anything else drink 5 glasses of water. At night after completing your work take four table spoon of lentlis (مسور) pulse (دال) dip it in four glass of water and boil it until one glass water remains. Then leave it overnight in a glass and in morning drink it before drinking or eating anything else. Do it till forty days, make it fresh daily and throw away remaining pulse. Only married people can do this. (Khadija Amir, Gujranwala)

Spiritual act to vacate home from tenant:

Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam O Alikum! I am reader of Ubqari since five years. I read a tip to vacate house from tenant in Ubqari March 2011 issue on page 25. Whoever used it got benefited from it. It is very powerful and tremendous act. Many have experienced it. Act is: anyone who wants to vacate house or shop from tenant should do following act. After Namaz Magrib stand facing Kiblah at start and ending 11 time Darood Sharif, 41 times Sura Fatiha, 41 times Sura Ikhals and 300 times Ayat e Karima then raise your hands for prayer hands should be above your head then pray humbly from ALLAH. Do it continually till 11 days INSHA ALLAH your wish will be done. Caution: warning! Do not use it for illegal or unfair wish, and it is not permitted to do more than 11 days, if your purpose is fulfilled before 11 days then stop it immediately, after your purpose is fulfilled do some charity among poor. (Hashim Khan Khatak Lavhi, Kohat)

Unique and successful treatment for increased or decreased spleen (تلی):

Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam O Alikum! Once I just purchased Ubqari from book stall and I am buying it continuously, I wait for it every month. I have a unique and successful treatment of spleen. Patient of this disease faces continuous fever. Treatment is: if patent is male then spleen of male goat and if patient is female then spleen of female goat, 7 thorns of acacia tree and will have to recite Sura Yaseen. While reciting when you reach first MUBEEN blow on one thorn and prick and stick it in to spleen, similarly do it with all 7 thorns. After completing Sura blown on spleen. Then hang spleen above the bed of patient from roof so that patient remains under it, within few days INSHA ALLAH patient will be cured. It is my tested many of the patients have been cured from this. Readers! INSHAALLAH you will not be disappointed from this act.

(Syed Taswor Hussain Sherazi, Mansehra)


Cough, throat infection or fever everything will be cured:

Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam O Alikum! I have few of my tested tips that I am presenting for readers:

Cure from cough: in one glass of water add one tea spoon turmeric, one peace ginger, few black pepper, cook it on fire until it remains equal to one cup then add honey in it and drink it before sleeping, within 3 days it will be cured.

Throat infection:

 Boil cassia (املتاس) in water and gargle with this water in morning. INSHAALLAH you will feel difference very soon.

For fever:

For vomiting: make Kehwa of mint, fennel, big cadmium and drink again and again it will immediately stop vomiting.

Constipation and haemorrhoid:

Dip and leave few figs in water over night, in morning chew and eat them and drink water after it. It is very beneficial. (Rohi Farzana, Islamabad)

Tumours of throat got cured immediately:

Respected Hakeem Sahib As Slam O Alikum! In April 2012  I went to Faisalabad Naturwala Chowk market, there on book stall I saw Ubqari, on its title it was written, recite Darood Khizra and get rid of every problem, after reading that I immediately bought that magazine. Came home and read it, I love Darood Khizra that’s why I bought it. When I read it I came to know that I got a treasure in my hand, I had pain in my feet, it was very difficult to walk for me, I couldn’t even wore shoe, I went to market with my son on bike with lot of difficulties, since that day I regularly buy Ubqari. I try tips from it which benefits me a lot.

For my feet pain I did following act:

یَاحَفِیْظُ یَاحَفِیْظُ یَاحَفِیْظُ یَارَقِیْبُ یَاوَکِیْلُ یَانَاصِرُ یَابَصِیْرُ یَااَللہُ یَااَللہُ یَااَللہُ Recite 11 times then blew on my hands and moved hands on my back, face, and feet and also blew on my feet. Sever pain which I had in my feet been cured after doing it for few days. Apart from this I had tumours in my throat, it was written magazine that write this on stone and blow, I didn’t have stones so I used to recite and blew above mentioned words on my finger tips and massage my neck. Thanks to ALLAH after doing it for few days my throat tumours were completely cured. I also have two acts which I do during trouble and I get relief. During any trouble I recite { حَسْبُنَا اللہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ} a lot. Second act is when debt increases so much and there is no way to get rid of it then after Fajar and Magrib prayer recite 11 time Darood Ibrahimi and in one breath recite 7 time { وَ اِذَا بَطَشْتُمْ بَطَشْتُمْ جَبَّارِیْنَ}. One more act when some poisonous insect bites, then hold that place and recite above mentioned Verse 7 time in one breath, then apply saliva or blow on place of bite، Will get relief from pain after doing it for 3-5 times, also there will be no swelling. (Sugran Bibi, Saianwala)

Grumpiest person will meet with love

Respected Hakeem Sahib As Slam O Alikum! we all are very thankful to you and your Ubqari magazine due to which mankind of God is getting rid of troubles and are coming close to ALLAH سبحانہ تعالی . May ALLAH سبحانہ تعالیgive you long life. May this organization prosperous day and night with health and Imman. Aameen! In Ubqari magazine I read {یا احد یا ودود}. Whenever I tested it and recited it grumpiest person met me with love and affection.

A lot of power in Sunnah: doctors advised me for complete sealing of teeth but after listening your Dars I started using Miswak by thinking that there is a lot of power in sunnah. Believe me! Within three four days my teeth become clean and shiny and now I also tell this act to others.  Due to your dars my heart world has started changing slowly. I request you that please pray for us that may ALLAH سبحانہ تعالی  make us like as HE سبحانہ تعالی  wants to us. (Isha Sayed)

Tested tip for cracked heels:

Respected Hakeem Sahib As Slam O Alikum! Summer is almost gone and winter is about to come. In winter biggest problem which women working in home and people working in fields face that is of cracked heels. I have tested tip due to which in coming winter none of Ubqari reader will face problem of cracked heels. Take any soap lifebuoy or any other soap which you use for bath. Cut a small piece of soap and dip it in water, after 2 hours when it get soft then make it like cream as per need add glycerin and mix it thoroughly, when it became like cream then keep it in bottle with open end, apply it twice or thrice a day on heels. Apply it before sleeping, in morning clean it thoroughly. You will see difference within two days, no matter how cracked your heels are they will become soft and clean as of a child. You can also apply this cream on hands and complete feet, it will make them soft and will also fair its complexion. Do not apply on face. My uncle who lives in Sadiqabad, he is land lord, he has to work in fields during winter, in fields of sugarcane his heels used to crack a lot now he uses this cream and has no problem. It is very easy and cheap tips. Try it and remember me in your prayers. (Madiha Aram, Bahawalpur)




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